Bihar Board Class 9Th English chapter 8 Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to His Son’s Teacher Solutions | Bseb class 9Th Chapter 8 Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to His Son’s Teacher Notes
Bihar Board Class 9Th English chapter 8 Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to His Son’s Teacher Solutions | Bseb class 9Th Chapter 8 Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to His Son’s Teacher Notes
Q.- Why did Abraham Lincoln write a letter to his son’s teacher ?
Ans.— Abraham Lincoln wrote a letter to his son’s teacher to ensure quality education to his son so that he may develop into a noble man and a good citizen of the country. That is why he elaborates on the qualities he wishes to be inculcated in his son.
Q.- A child should be treated gently but not cuddled. Do you agree? Give your opinion.
Ans.— A child should be treated gently but not cuddled. This is a very important principle. A child definitely needs an enviornment of love to learn. But at the same time he also needs to stick to discipline without which he will not go ahead. So, one has to be careful in bestowing love. One has to be strict with the child if the need be. Excess of love may spoil his prospects in life and make him handicapped. Besides, as Lincoln righty points out that only the test of fire makes fine steel, a child needs to be exposed to the prevailing situation around him.
Q.- “All men are not just, all men are not true.” Comment on this statement.
Ans.— “All men are not just, all men are not true.” By this statement Lincoln means to say that child should be made aware of the realities. It is no good teaching him only the ideal things or situations. He should also be made aware of the crookedness prevailing around him. Only then he will prepare himself to deal with such things or situations.
Q.- Why do you think Lincoln wants his son to steer away from envy and learn the secret of quiet laugther ?
Ans.— Lincoln wants his son to steer away from envy and learn the secret of quiet laughter because he knows that envy is a negative trait and it does not help man to grow or prosper. Hence, it is better to steer away from envy. Again, quiet laughter is a very positive trait. A man who remains amused all the time, can tackle with any situation. To enjoy winning is very good but one should not be over elated or indulge in too much display of it. It is good to relish it secretly.
Q.- Why does Lincoln not want his son to follow the crowd when everyone is getting on the band wagon ?
Ans.— Lincoln wants his son to grow as an independent and responsible person. He should have his own distinct identity. This can be possible only when you are able to do something or achieve something which others have not done so far. This also entails that he should be a leader rather than a follower. That is why Lincoln does not want his son to follow the crowd when everyone is getting on the band wagon.
Q.- What qualities did Lincoln want his son’s teacher to teach him ?
Ans.— Lincoln wants his son’s teacher to teach him several qualities that will help him have his own individuality and be an independent and resposible citizen. His sons’s teacher should teach his son that life consists in variety. There are both good people and bad people, just and unjust, scoundrel and hero, selfish and dedicated etc. If there is an enemy own discretion. He should learn to laugh out his sadness and scoff at cynics. He should not be ashamed of shedding tears if the need be. He must believe in his own judgement.
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