Bihar Board Class 9Th English chapter 3 A Silent Revolution Solutions | Bseb class 9Th Chapter 3 A Silent Revolution Notes

Bihar Board Class 9Th English chapter 3 A Silent Revolution Solutions | Bseb class 9Th Chapter 3 A Silent Revolution Notes

Q.- What does SMS stand for ? 
Ans.— SMS stands for Short Messaging Service.
Q.- How was it conceived ? 
Ans.— It was conceived as a part of the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) digital standard.
Q.- What ability does it have ?
Ans.— It has the ability to send and receive text messages at a mobile phone.
Q.- How are messages sent and routed ? 
Ans.— Messages are sent and routed through a Short Messaging Service Centre, (SMSC) run by the service provider.
Q.- What ensures that the message is delivered at the destination mobile even if it is switched off or out of the coverage area ?
Ans.— The routing of messages through a Short Messaging Service Centre, (SMSC) run by the service provider ensures that the message is delivered at the destination mobile even if it is switched off or out of the coverage area.
Q.- What does SMSC stand for ?
Ans.— SMSC stands for the Short Messaging Service Centre.
Q.- What is its function ?
Ans.— The SMSC stores the message and forwards it when the mobile is Switched on or enters the network.
Q.- On what account may the delivery of a message be delayed ?
Ans.— The delivery of a message may be delayed due to congestion.
Q.- What is the beauty of SMS ?
Ans.— The beauty of SMS is that messages can be sent and received even while making voice calls.
Q.- 10. What is a voice call ?
Ans.— A voice call is actual chatting in real voices.
Q.- How has SMS brought about a silent revolution ?
Ans.— SMS has brought about a silent revolution in that it has opened a new vista in the field of text communication, providing a new easy way to the people to comunicate. It had a silent beginning, but it had great potential. It took root in europe and spread slowly to other parts of the world.
Q.- How do you think that SMS has now become the most preferred option for communication ?
Ans.— SMS has now become the most preferred option for f communication because it reaches at the destinaion even if the persons mobile is switched off and very silently withoutmaking a noise.
Q.- What is the attractive feature of SMS ? How does a voice call differ from SMS ?
Ans.— The attractive feature of SMS is that like e-mail it is a store and forward service and can be delivered at the destination mobile even if it is switched off or out of the coverage area. A voice call differs from SMS in that a voice call takes over dedicated radio channel for the duration of the call, while the short messages travel over and above the radio channel using the signalling path.
Q.- “The launch of SMS has opened a new vista in the field of text communication.” Explain.
Ans.— The launch of SMS has opened a new vista in the field of text communication as it has provided a new easy way to the people to communicate. The people can type their message using the small handset keypads and send it at the target mobile even if it is switched off or out of the coverage area.
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