Bihar Board Class 9Th English chapter 2 Yayati Solutions | Bseb class 9Th Chapter 2 Yayati Notes
Bihar Board Class 9Th English chapter 2 Yayati Solutions | Bseb class 9Th Chapter 2 Yayati Notes
Q.- Who was Emperor Yayati ?
Ans.— Emperor Yayati was one of the ancestors of the Pandavas.
Q.- How did Yayati become old ? Who cursed him ?
Ans.— Yayati became prematurely old for having wronged his wife Devayani. Sukracharya cursed him.
Q.- Was Yayati devoid of sensual desires ?
Ans.— No, he was not.
Q.- What was the reply of his eldest son ?
Ans.— His eldest son replied that he could not do so, as the women and servants would mock at him if he took upon himself his father’s old age.
Q.- Why did he become angry ?
Ans.— He became angry as his three sons had declined to do as he wished.
Q.- What are the symptoms of an old man ?
Ans.— In the old age strength and beauty are destroyed. An old man cannot ride a horse or an elephant. His speech falters. He has to seek the help of others even to keep his body clean.
Q.- Who was Puru? Did he accept his father’s proposal ?
Ans.— Puru was the youngest son of Yayati. Yes, he gladly accepted his father’s proposal. He gave him his youth and relieved him of the sorrows of old age.
Q.- Sensual desire is everlasting. Whose thought is this ?
Ans.— This ws the thought of Yayati:
Q.- Why did Yayati resume his old age ?
Ans.— Yayati took back his old age as he had realised the unequenchable nature of sensual desire.
Q.- Do corn, gold, cattle and woman satisfy the desire of a man ?
Ans.— No, corn, gold, cattle and women, nothing can ever satisfy the desires of a man.
Q.- What was Yayati famous for ?
Ans.— Yayati was famous for his devotion to the welfare of his subjects.
Q.- Why did Yayati call his sons ?
Ans.— Yayati had become prematurely old because of the curse of Sukrachraya. He wanted to enjoy life in the full vigour of youth: So he called his sons, hoping that one of them would bear the burden of his old age and give his youth in return.
Q.- What did he say to them ?
Ans.— He requested his sons that one of them should bear the burden of his old age and give his youth in return. He also promised that the son who would bestow his youth on him would be the ruler of the kingdom.
Q.- Which son agreed to give Yayati his youth and take his old age ?
Ans.— Puru, the youngest son, agreed to give Yayati his youth and take his old age.
Q.- Why did Yayati go to the garden of Kubera ?
Ans.— Yayati went to the garden of Kubera as he could not quench his desire by indulging in the pleasures on the earth. It was his effort to quench his desire that led him to the garden of Kuber.
Q.- Why did Yayati become prematurely old? Why did he dislike it ?
Ans.— Yayati became prematurely old as a result of a curse by Shukracharya, his father-in-law, for having wronged his wife Devayani. He disliked this as it destroyed his beauty and made his life miserable. Besides, he had not had his feel of the joys of life..
Q.- Write in your own words the responses of the first three sons to their father’s request.
Ans.— The first three sons rejected the proposal of their Ans. father. The eldest son said that the women and servants would mock him if he took upon himself his father’s old age. The second son declined the proposal by saying that old age destroys not only strength and beauty but also wisdom. The third son pointed out the helplessness that the old age bring with itinability to ride a horse or an elephant in addition to faltering speech.
Q.- How did the fourth son respond to his father’s appeal? How would you have responded if you were the fourth son ?
Ans.— The fourth son begged to be forgiven in response to Ans. his father’s appeal. An old man, according to him has to seek the help of others even to keep his body clean. This is the most pitiful plight. If I were the fourth son I would have take pity on him. Atleast I would not use hard words.
Q.- Why did Puru agree to give his youth to his father and take his father’s,old age in the bargain ? Did he do the right thing ?
Ans.— Puru agreed to give his youth to his father and take his father’s old age in the bargain because he was moved by filial love. He could not see his mighty father begging for anything.
From the point of view of a son’s duty to his father, what he did was very right. A son’s life is the blessings of his father. So, hedid tight thing.
Q.- Is it right for a father to make such a request to his sons as Yayati did ?
Ans.— No, it is not right for a father to make such a request to his sons as Yayati did. A father is a role model for his sons. He should set high examples of character before them. If the father becomes helpless before sensual pleasures, the sons will also find it difficult to resist them. Yayati should have accepted his old age gracefully and taught his sons how to tackle the adversities in life.
Q.- What lesson do you learn from this story ?
Ans.— Yayati gives us a very good lesson on the nature of sensual desire. We come to know that no object of desirecorn, gold, cattle and women-can ever satisfy the desires of a man. The more the indulgence in sensual pleasures, the more insatiable it becomes. We can attain peace only be a mental pose beyond likes and dislike.
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