बिहार डी.एल.एड. (ENGLISH) TIME & TENSE

बिहार डी.एल.एड. (ENGLISH) TIME & TENSE


(A) Spct the error of Tense which is in one part (A, B or C) of the sentence and write down the correct form of it. If there is no error give ‘D’ as your answer.

1. It was a(A)/ large meeting, and (B) all birds and animals presented there.(C)/No error(D)
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
2. In a certain(A)/ forest, there(B)/ living a lion. (C)/ No error(D)
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
3. One day it(A)/ were an old hare’s(B)/ turn to go.(C)/ No error(D)
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
4. He stood by(A)/ the side for the pond.(B)/looks very very sad.(C)/ No error(D)
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
5. One by one,(A)/ the fishes had been coming(B)/ above the water.(C) No error(D)
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
6. It is true, my dear fish,(A)/ that I ate(B)/ some of you every day. (C)/ No error(D)
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
7. He threw his(A)/ nets into the pond (B)/ and catch you all.(C)/ No error(D)
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
8. As the stork flow along(A)/ the crab(B)/ looked down.(C)/ No error(D)
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
9. He teaches(A)/ in this school(B)/ since 1965.(C)/ No error(D)
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
10. After some months(A)/ the cow giving birth(B)/ to a bull calf.(C)/ No error(D)
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
11. They always went(A)/ about together and (B)/ was seldom seen apart.(C)/ No error(D)
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
12. The two become(A)/ great friends and(B)/ lived happily together.(C)/ No error(D)
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
13. By the side of a pool,(A)/ in a forest, (B)/ there once live four friends. (C)/ No error(D)
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D

व्याख्या (Explanation )

1. ‘……… animals presented there’ की जगह ‘………. animals were present there’ होगा।
2. ‘there living a lion’ की जगह ‘there lived a lion होगा।
3. ‘were an old hare’s’ की जगह ‘was an old hare’s’ होगा।
4. ‘looks very very sad’ की जगह ‘looking very very sad’ होगा।
5. ‘the fishes had been coming’ की जगह ‘the fishes came होगा ।
6. ‘that I ate’ की जगह ‘that I eat’ होगा।
7. ‘He threw his’ की जगह ‘ He will throw his’ होगा।
8. As the stork flow along’ की जगह ‘As the stork flew along’ होगा।
9. ‘He teaches’ की जगह ‘ He has been teaching’ होगा।
10. ‘the cow giving birth’ की जगह ‘the cow gave birth’ होगा।
11. ‘was seldom seen apart’ की जगह ‘were seldom seen apart’ होगा ।
12. ‘The two become की जगह ‘The two bacame होगा।
13. ‘there once live four friends’ की जगह ‘there once lived four friends’ होगा।


(B) Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of verbs from the word given in brackets:

1. Water ……. into ice when the temperature drops below 32°F. (change)
(A) changed
(B) changes
(C) changing
(D) change
2. I wish I ……. a minister.  (be)
(A) was
(B) have been
(C) am
(D) were
3. I ………….. here since 1975. (live)
(A) have lived
(B) am living
(C) have been living
(D) was living
4. So, the crane ……….. five or six fishes. (catch)
(A) catch
(B) catched
(C) catching
(D) caught
5. The last fish he ……. just at the mouth of the snake’s hole. (drop)
(A) dropped
(B) drop
(C) dropping
(D) None of these
6. Keep quiet, we …….. to the radio. (listen)
(A) were listening
(B) have listened
(C) are listening
(D) listened
7. We ……….. with our eyes. (see)
(A) sees
(B) see
(C) have scem
(D) are seeing
8. Who ……… this house? (build)
(A) built
(B) build
(C) did build
(D) building
9. All my brothers ……… behind. (leave)
(A) have left
(B) are left
(C) left
(D) had left
10. I …….. to do better next time. (try)
(A) would try
(B) have tried
(C) will try ing
(D) have been trying

व्याख्या (Explanation )

1. Universal truth सदैव Simple Present Tense में रहता है, इसलिए सही 7. विकल्प होगा ‘changes ‘
2. कोई ऐसी इच्छा करना जिसका पूरा होना असंभव सा हो, तो उसमें Past Tense का Verb ‘were’ का प्रयोग होता है।
3. ‘ since’ का प्रयोग अवधि बताने के लिए किया जाए, तो वाक्य Perfect Continuous Tense में होगा। सही विकल्प होगा ‘have been living’
4. सही विकल्प होगा ‘caught’
6. वाक्य Persent Continuous का है। सही विकल्प होगा ‘ are listening’
7. Universal Truth Simple Present Tense में रहता है। सही विकल्प होगा ‘see’
8. वाक्य Past Tense का है, सही विकल्प होगा ‘ built ‘
9. सही विकल्प होगा ‘ are left ‘
10. वाक्य Simple Future Tense का है ( next का प्रयोग हुआ है ) । सही विकल्प होगा ‘will try’
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Ajit kumar

Sub Editor-in-Chief at Jaankari Rakho Web Portal

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